The popular open office layout fosters an environment of interconnectivity. Interoffice phones, conference calls, online chats, web browsing, and constant checking of email are facts of life in this kind of environment. Omnipresent Wi-Fi connectivity means time checking screens is maximized. However, recent studies suggest that too much screen time is actually counterproductive and, in fact, dangerous for employees’ emotional and mental health. Unplugging and doing a digital detox in order to pursue more meaningful working relationships are the remedy for this common problem. You can help promote your employees’ good health and productivity by implementing a digital detox zone within your office design. Here’s how.
A Wi-Fi Free Employee Lounge
Employee lounges may still be able to receive Wi-Fi signals but you can change your office culture by designating the lounge a Wi-Fi free zone. Put a sign up in the area and promulgate this change through an internal memo or morning meeting. The benefits of this kind of digital detox zone are clear. Your employees will be able to relax their eyes and their muscles – by not focusing on screens, they can adjust their lines of sight to more distant objects. And science shows that people do not breathe normally when they are checking email or surfing the web. Plus, your employees will get to know each other better with face-to-face interaction, creating a more collaborative work environment.
Use Office Furniture to Create a Digital Detox Zone
You can also use new or existing office furniture to transform collaborative workspaces into digital detox zones to further promote employee collaboration and productivity. Banish laptops, cell phones, and TVs during small team meetings. Studies show that writing by hand engages the part of the brain that stimulates creativity and thinking and you should see a difference in the feel and course of a meeting without devices. You can also be creative with new acoustic office furniture – create zones with desks and offer them to your employees as device-free individual workspaces. These are great for when employees need to step away from their office desk.
Ready to Transform Your Office Design with Some New Furniture?
American Design Associates, Inc. is a furniture dealer and design firm serving clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. We strive to ensure that every customer ends up with the office design and furniture to help their business run for years to come. We have the expertise and resources to help you get your move off to a great stress-free start. Visit us online to see what we can do for you, or give us a call at (410) 823-5500. To see examples of our work and get more advice on furnishing your office space, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+.