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The Influence of Color in Office Design


In office design, color can be used to subconsciously influence your employees and increase morale and productivity.

Ask any office employee what makes them do their jobs effectively, and chances are they will mention a lot of different things. They may talk about the tools they use such as computers. They could mention the office furniture they use every day such as chairs and desks. Workers may even cite job benefits or pay as a major factor as well. But hardly anyone would mention color as an influence in how well they work. The psychological field has done a lot of research into how color can influence mood and productivity, and with a little thought, you can utilize this research in your own office design. Here are some ideas you can use if you’re planning a new space or updating your current one.


The color blue is generally associated with the sky or a body of water which people usually link to feelings of peacefulness. Rooms that are decorated in blue can, therefore, have a soothing effect on people in it. A good place to use this to your advantage is the conference room. By decorating it with blue colors, employees can come to see conferences and meetings in a more positive light.


Green is subconsciously associated with wellness and growth. It also has a calming effect on the beholder like the color blue. It doesn’t cause much eye fatigue, so it can be effectively used in places where employees spend a lot of time looking at screens. Plants can achieve this effect, but you can also look into employing green-colored office furniture as well.


People tend to associate the color yellow with the sun. This lends feelings of cheeriness, optimism, and energy. You can add a touch of yellow in your office design to help energize and inspire creative thinking in your employees. This color is perfect for communal spaces such as lounge areas and where workers come together to collaborate.

Ready to Transform Your Office Design with Some New Furniture?

American Design Associates, Inc. is a furniture dealer and design firm serving clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. We strive to ensure that every customer ends up with the office design and furniture to help their business run for years to come. We have the expertise and resources to help you get your move off to a great stress-free start. Visit us online to see what we can do for you, or give us a call at (410) 823-5500. To see examples of our work and get more advice on furnishing your office space, follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterest, and Google+.

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